

每年, the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in 教学, 奖学金和服务. 每个学院和学校都颁发优秀教学奖, 大学范围内的奖项是对公共服务的认可, 研究, 教学与参与.


杰出教授奖,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
杰出研究奖,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
杰出教师奖-副教授,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
研究生院导师奖,2023年 了解更多
牛仔裤C. 布里尔利卓越教学奖,2023年 了解更多
卓越公共服务,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
杰出教授奖,2023年 了解更多
卓越的国际参与,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
卓越教学,2023年 了解更多
杰出教师奖,助理教授,2023年 了解更多

有一段时间, UNH有四个独立的, 然而,联系, 多样性, equity and inclusion-focused university commissions: The President's Commission on the Status of GLBT Issues, 有色人种地位总统委员会, 总统残疾人地位委员会, 以及总统妇女地位委员会. Each commission would seek to further improve inclusion across the university for students, 教职员工通过各种努力和倡议. The four commissions have since been unified as The University Commission on 社区, 公平与多样性(UCCED).  的宣传 & Action award represents the unification of these historic recognitions. It celebrates UNH community members who embody our university's 多样性 statement. Those selected for this award have acted as consistent advocates for 多样性, 他们在UNH的整个时间里都是平等和包容的.


This award recognizes and honors exceptional achievements in the area of public service. Individuals who receive this award have engaged in outstanding service activities that are dependent on their academic expertise and that support the mission of the university. The types of activities to be honored should be related to a candidate's academic field and may include exceptional service to local, 州政府或联邦政府, 给非营利组织或机构, 商业或工业, 在大学里. 符合UNH福利条件的教职员工符合条件, 除了那些在过去五年内获得此奖项的人.

The purpose of this award is to identify and honor longstanding members of the UNH faculty. This singular university-wide award will be given each year to the faculty member whose overall record of excellent 教学, 关心学生, 对大学社区的奉献, and substantial record of scholarly achievement exemplifies what we would call a "distinguished longstanding career" at UNH. 每年 there will be no more than one 杰出教授奖. Long-term UNH tenure-track faculty members at the rank of professor are eligible.

This award recognizes exceptional international engagement by a current UNH faculty member. Nominees should have a well-established and ongoing record of international education and/or 研究 while on the UNH faculty. Such activities should include several of the following: directing UNH managed programs abroad, 个人研究, 与国际伙伴进行合作研究, 交换教学, encouraging and supporting student involvement in international 研究 (e.g., IROP), 课程中全球视野的证据, 服务于国际委员会和特别工作组, 咨询和/或出版/演出. 符合UNH福利条件的教职员工符合条件, except recipients within the last five years. 该奖项由全球教育中心支持.

This award acknowledges and honors a member of the UNH faculty who has demonstrated superior creativity and success in his/her 研究. 研究 is understood to include activities that result in the generation of new ideas or works of art, 解决某一领域基本问题的方法, 或者发现重要的新事实. This award is based on the quality, originality, and significance of the recipient's scholarly work. Since university faculty are expected to be effective transmitters as well as creators of knowledge, the willingness and ability of the recipient to share knowledge and 研究 skills with colleagues and students should be evident. 每年都会有一个卓越研究奖. 符合UNH福利条件的教职员工符合条件, 除了那些在过去五年内获得此奖项的人.

每年, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in 教学, 奖学金, 和服务. 每个学院和学校都颁发优秀教学奖, 大学范围内的奖项表彰公共服务, 研究, 教学, 和参与.

The 研究生 教师 Mentor award is designed to honor a faculty member whose commitment to excellence in graduate student training has contributed significantly to graduate students’ professional development. 表格只于申请期间接受.


The ideal university faculty member is someone whose accomplishments in the areas of 教学, 研究, 这里的服务质量一流. 他或她是一个鼓舞人心的人, 具有挑战性的, 有效的老师, whose concern and respect for students is evident both in and out of the classroom. Such a faculty member makes important and extensive contributions to his or her chosen field, and shares those contributions with peers through publication or other appropriate means. 最后, the ideal faculty member willingly and effectively devotes time and energy in useful service to the university, 这个职业, 国家. The recipients of these awards are those members of the university faculty who, 近年来, 展示了这些品质. 每年, 将颁发两项杰出教师奖, 助教和副教授各一份. 所有这些级别的联合国大学终身教职人员都有资格.


The ideal university faculty member is someone whose accomplishments in the areas of 教学, 研究, 这里的服务质量一流. 他或她是一个鼓舞人心的人, 具有挑战性的, 有效的老师, whose concern and respect for students is evident both in and out of the classroom. Such a faculty member makes important and extensive contributions to his or her chosen field, and shares those contributions with peers through publication or other appropriate means. 最后, the ideal faculty member willingly and effectively devotes time and energy in useful service to the university, 这个职业, 国家. The recipients of these awards are those members of the university faculty who, 近年来, 展示了这些品质. 每年, 将颁发两项杰出教师奖, 助教和副教授各一份. 所有这些级别的联合国大学终身教职人员都有资格.

Jean Brierley卓越教学奖 recognizes excellence in 教学 by a faculty member over the course of a long-term distinguished career at UNH. A bequest from the estate of Jean Brierley, Class of 1930, established this award. Professor Brierley established the endowed fund in 1973 to recognize 教学 in any field or discipline at UNH. The recipient will give a presentation at an annual event sponsored by the Center for 卓越教学 and 学习ing to help celebrate and promote good 教学. 符合UNH福利条件的教职员工符合条件, 除了那些在过去五年内获得此奖项的人.

在他1993年去世之前, UNH alumnus and former Dean of Students William "Bill" Kidder established a fund to support educational efforts directed at enhancing the understanding of sexual minorities and gender identities. 年度奖项旨在表彰那些, 通过他们的奖学金, 领导, 或者是杰出的努力, foster greater understanding of sexual orientation and gender expression at the 澳门葡京网赌游戏. These awards will be presented at the annual LGBTQ+ Pancake Breakfast usually scheduled in April.  本奖项颁发给 选定的学生,教师和工作人员.   
(提名 for students occur separately from the Student 领导 奖 Nomination process)